Monday, October 20, 2014

Down Memory Lane

Just a random post between the cleaning up of the sewing area, and the sewing of my tail.
Some of you that grew up in the 1980s may remember these lovely ladies; Sea-Wees!

I had the TropiGals collection when I was about 5 years old. I remember seeing one with a girl at the park, and even though this was before Splash came out in theaters,  my obsession with mermaids had already taken hold.
My father had caught wind of this mermaid doll sighting. About a week later, I came home from Kindergarten to find all four of the mermaid sisters, sitting on my bed, nested with their companions in their little sponge lily pads.

 I continued to collect the various versions they came out with along the years, and still wish they would re-release them. I still have mine, and while I don't have the sponges anymore, I think I have most of the corresponding babies and pets.

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